Smiling All the Way
Real people with real smiles.
Tarek K.
Periodontal Therapy, 12 Porcelain Veneers, Laser Gum Lift
Champa D.
Periodontal Therapy, Teeth Whitening, 6 Emax Cosmetic Crowns, 6 Emax Porcelain Veneers
Linda S.
8 Crowns, Gum Tissue Contouring, 2 Inlays, 3 Esthetic Resin Bonding
Tim G.
Periodontal Therapy, 2 Extractions, 4 Root Canals, 11 Crowns
Janet P.
Periodontal Therapy, 6 Porcelain Veneers, 4 Emax Crowns, Cosmetic Gum Lift
Eva H.
Laser Gum Contouring, Teeth Whitening, 8 Veneers
Carl S.
22 Extractions, 10 Bone Grafts, 20 Implants, 2 Implant Retained Dentures
Rona A.
Periodontal Therapy, Teeth Whitening, 8 Veneers, 4 Crowns, 3 Root Canals, 4 Implants
Steve F.
12 Crowns, 3 Unit Bridge, 1 Inlay
Michelle P.
Periodontal Therapy, Laser Gum Contouring, 25 Crowns, 2 Root Canals
Michael T.
Teeth Whitening, 18 Crowns, 2 Onlays, 3 Dental Implants, Crowns Lengthening
Rachel H.
Teeth Whitening, 6 Veneers
Ken R.
Neuromuscular Reconstruction, Periodontal Therapy, TENS Treatment, 3 Extractions, 3 Bone Grafts, 4 Implants, 15 Root Canals, 24 eMax Crowns
Cosmetic Dental Restorations, 1 Dental Implant
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