Have you experienced unexplainable headaches and facial soreness? You may be experiencing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and not even know it. TMJ connects your jaw to your skull, and it allows you to eat, speak, and smile. Keep reading to see how TMJ symptoms negatively impact your life and how TMJ treatment in Palm Beach Gardens, […]
Do You Have Chronic Headaches? Call Your Dentist.
According to LVI Global in the U.S. headaches are the number one health complaint. It is estimated that 50 million people suffer from chronic headaches. Many of those people turn to over-the-counter pain medications but find no relief. Many struggle with a reduced quality of life, they miss work or school regularly due to headaches. Headaches […]
Find Relief for Frequent Headaches and Jaw Pain [Infographic]
Do you experience pain in your neck, shoulders, or ears? How about clicking, grating, or popping when you chew? Perhaps you suffer regularly from jaw pain or headaches? TMD may be the culprit! But you may wonder, “What is TMD, and how can I find relief?” Pain associated with your jaw and the muscles that control […]
TMJ Treatment – Life Changing
Are you experiencing any of the following? Tension or migraine headaches Sore muscles in the face and jaw Pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back Ringing in the ears Dizziness Tingling in the fingertips If you are, you may be suffering from TMJ disorder. What is TMJ? TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. It is […]
Neuromuscular Dentistry – Remove the Cause, Not Just the Symptoms!
Neuromuscular dentistry focuses not only on the teeth and jaw bones, but on the soft tissues and nerves connecting these hard tissues. The goal is to create the correct balance between these different working structures for optimal, comfortable function and stability. When the jaw bone becomes misaligned it causes instability in all the working parts […]
Neuromuscular Dentistry Revolution treats TMJ Disorder
Unaware of Neuromuscular Dental Advancements? TMJ Disorder Undiagnosed, Misdiagnosed & Untreated. Northern Palm Beaches, Rudnick Dentistry, is always welcoming new patients. This private practice emphasizes relationships with client’s needing extensive full mouth reconstruction or TMJ Disorder cases. TMJ Disorder is undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leaving sufferers no pain-relieving treatments or cures. Numerous patients have spent thousands […]